Sunday, June 1, 2014

[A Plague Doctor Who Brought Death]- Revision

He is wearing a long leather raincoat which covers his body entirely and a crow-like face mask that looks like a weapon at any moment and holding a stick that is long and very sharp. Who do you think the man wearing a strange cloth is? My answer is “who is one of  grim reapers”. Maybe your answer is similar as mine. However, he is a doctor against our expectation and his expectable nick name is a “break doctor”. The scary costume was the real doctor’s dress when they visited the patients who got the plague in Europe during the 14th century. How have the costume changed to a scary creature from a doctor's clothing?

          We cannot imagine the time when the Black Death swept through entire Europe. The estimated number of people who were killed from the disease was around one third of all people in Europe. This number shows that at least a person in a household died, and the plague was everybody’s problem. Even more surprising is the death rate of the plague. 99%? Unfortunately, it was 200%. How could it be over 100%? The reason is when a person got the plague, not only must the person die, but the person also infects someone new. I cannot imagine how horrible the situation was.
Then, what caused an abundant amount of death? According the recent article “Black Death SkeletonsGive up Secrets of Life and Death”, the cause of the diseased’ spread is not because of fleas from rats, but because of aerial infection. I think that the recent cause is more reasonable because if the disease had transmitted through fleas, there would have needed fleas as numberless as the sands. People who were living at that time thought about the reasons of the plague as follows. The thoughts were a quite sad and a bold idea.

1.             People got the plague after they watched the person who already got the plague.
2.             The source of infection was bad air.
3.             People got the plague because they drank water from a poisoned well.

Because of these thoughts, it should seem that the doctors dressed up like the picture. The doctor could protect himself by wearing the weird custom. The most interesting thing is for me the mask. At first, I thought why the doctors made the ugly mask like a raven. However, there was a wise idea of the doctors. The mask could prevent the doctor from bad smell. The doctors kept perfume or spice in beak of the mask. Even though the doctors did not know the reason of the Black Death, their costume should seem that they prevented them from the disease.

There was another reason that contributed the high death rate. It was nothing less than the method in treating the Black Death. As you can see the picture, the treatment at the time was to ‘bleed’ patients. The remedy was more of a hindrance than a help, so my people were dead. And then, the doctors started to be called as the doctors of bring the death. The reason why people consider the plague doctor as a ghost is probably base on this history.